LFA Aviators

Your streamlined access to fun, local, and informative flying











Program cost is: $120 a month

Terms and Conditions: Click Here



Want to go over night somewhere and need to be able to plan it out?

Want to plan ahead?


Maybe this program is for you!



Why worry about when you Foreflight subscription renews!


Foreflight is included with every membership!


Haven’t flown for a bit?

Think you might be missing something about a particular IFR approach? 

Just want a bit of a refresher in the basics?


You can join in and any of our refresher courses just by being a member. Free!



With $10 off an hour on the aircraft and a 50%+ savings on the sim at $35 an hour who wouldn’t want to go practice those maneuvers!

Want to Sign Up?


Let your flight instructor know and they can get you signed up!

Not already a current customer of LFA? Not a problem! Just fill out the form below to get in touch. A member of our staff will reach out with more information.


Terms and Conditions

Click Here